Heart Soul Horses Helping Humans, Inc. creates programs and activities to raise awareness and offer education about America’s Wild Mustangs.

We provide children and adults learning opportunities through their interactions with horses, with the goal to develop knowledge, enhanced life-skills, and advanced leadership abilities.

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Why Horses?

Horses are social animals, like humans. Their peer structure is observable, identifiable.

Yet, horse and humans differ in at least one key aspect. Humans are natural predators, while horses are prey animals.

Prey animals constantly scan their surroundings for potential threats. This makes horses excellent barometers on how humans’ actions, body language, and behaviors are projected. Horses have the ability to mirror what a human body language is telling them.

Heart Soul Horses Helping Humans is an experiential approach utilizing horses to bring individuals a better understanding on how they present themselves to the world. Our programs can show participants how changes in both their beliefs and behavior can create positive changes in their lives.

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America’s Heritage

Mustangs are the symbol of America West. These magnificent animals and their domesticated counterparts played a pivotal role in forging diverse cultures into one nation.

As descendants from domesticated horses brought to the New World by Spanish Explorers and Missionaries during the 16th century, today’s feral, free-roaming horses challenge the scientific definition of being truly “wild”. Century’s prior, mustang ancestors had once-upon-a-time been tamed. The term mustang evolved into American slang in the early 1800’s derived from the Spanish words mesteño and mostrenco. Both terms refer to wild horses and cattle as having no master.

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Although these horses are wild by nature, over four centuries Americans have both admired and utilized the strength and endurance of these marvelous creatures to help chronicle the history of the United States. Whether the Native Americans, Mountain Men, pioneers in covered wagons, cattle ranches in the early west, or miners seeking riches in the hills of California, mustangs were recruited, tamed, and integrated as an indispensable part of Americans’ progress and they still are essential to mankind’s welfare.

Heart Soul Horses Helping Humans primary goal is to educate the American public, along with the rest of the world, about the value horses have lent to advancing human endeavors.

Rather than harvesting them, as is the current trend, giving renewed devotion to an icon of American Freedom is the least that can be offered to such a remarkable species.