An estimated 30,000 Wild Horses roam the United States, particularly the Western part of the country. This creates a challenge to various state and federal agencies to manage these vast numbers. While some practices are controversial and downright inhumane, the fact remains that a large percentage are forcibly removed from their grazing lands and transferred into crowded holding facilities. The dilemma is what happens next.

While we cannot adopt them all, for some these incarcerated mustangs the option for a better life can be realized through Heart Soul Horses Helping Humans Sponsorship and Adoptions Program.

When an interested person or parties, feeling the call to help save some of these magnificent horses from a confined, purposeless life or even worse slaughter, sponsoring one or more can give hope for these horses lives and even bring about a fulfilling horse and human connection.


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This program brings suitable wild horses into our facility, and with donor tax-deductible financial assistance, we patiently show our sponsored horses that humans can be trusted. We do NOT “break” horses. Our goal is to gain their trust so that a bridge between a once wild animal and human beings can be nurtured into a bond.

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With time, we bring them forward to allow for these rescued horses to be haltered, handled so that hoof care to be performed and even provide foundation work that will lead to confidence among these once wild horses to being willing to trailer load.

Upon graduating to this level of horse and human partnership, these gentled mustangs are offered for adoption to homes meeting Heart Soul Horses Helping Humans adoption criteria.

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Though there are thousands of Wild Horses deserving better lives, our program rescues a few at a time and has the potential to grow if given the means.

Our mantra: to change mustang lives, starting with one mustang at a time
